Saturday, October 10, 2009

At Least Say Thank You, Rush

Rush Limbaugh should get on his knees, pucker up, close his eyes, and kiss President Obama’s ass.  By simply getting elected president, Barack Obama has single handedly revived Rush’s career. 

In the 90’s, when Rush got his radio and television shows, there was a Democrat in the White House.  Bill and Hillary’s failings and foibles provided the perfect foil against which Rush railed.  He wrote books, chaired Republican get togethers, and made millions.  People actually respected him.

When George Bush was elected in 2000, the Republicans brought Rush along to perform his dog and pony show in lock step with the administration.  He became a mouthpiece for an administration suffering declining popularity as its foreign and domestic agenda became less and less popular with the American people.  His ratings dropped and the only news he made was when he got caught chewing Oxycontin like they were Skittles. 

Then Obama entered the fray for president.  Rush tapped into, and created, the fear that his own constituency was feeling.  An outsider was running for President.  A Democrat.  A black guy.  For Christ sakes, the guy might not have even been born in this country.  Rush’s radio show was once again a hit now that he had another arch enemy. 

Come on, Rush.  Give credit where credit is due.  Send Obama a fruit basket or something to show your gratitude.

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